Call Father Tobin: 305.567.0049

St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, Coral Gables, FL View Location

Counseling Areas

Below are the main categories of counseling Roger Tobin has offered over the years. Every individual, couple, family, and situation is unique. If there is a unique or particular challenge you are experiencing, do not hesitate to reach out.

Individual Counseling

Most people will experience times of transition and change countless times during their lives. Frequently, these times are experienced as a crisis or as overwhelming.

Crisis Counseling

Life inevitably will involve events which can shake up everything we believe to be true and dependable.

Spiritual Direction

The single most important element of personal growth and abundant life is establishing and growing a relationship with God, as He is understood in one’s life experience.

Life Transitions Counseling

Premarital and Marital Counseling; Birth and Baptism Counseling; Disease and Dying Counseling; Grief Counseling; Weddings; Funerals and Memorial Services.

Addiction and Recovery Counseling

One of the most common and yet destructive experiences in life is the disease of addiction.
